Pictures (Canon 400D)

The pictures here are taken from my Canon 400D.  I hope you enjoy them.



Fruit Fly:



Pink Flower:

Orange Flower:

Morning Dew on a Leaf:


This cross symbolizes "A Blessing in Disguise."  Behind the simple cross, there is much more than meets the eye: the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins.

The lighting behind this photo is actually a flashlight covered by a piece of print paper.  In doing this, the color were welded together to create this kind of look.  

Night on the Pontoon:

This photo was taken at night.  Because of a long shutter speed, I got the smooth sort of effect and light blaze.


This photo was taken in late morning.  Technical settings: f/5.6, 1/60 sec, ISO 200, and 39 mm.

Mystery Photo:

This photo was taken in the morning.  Ok, if you are wondering what this, it is the feathers of a peacock.  Technical settings: f/5.6, 1/500 sec, ISO 400, and 300 mm.

 School Work:

This photo was taken in early evening.  Technical settings:  f/5.6, 1/13 sec, ISO 400, and 225 mm.


This photo was taken in the early crisp morning.  Technical settings: f/13, 1/60 sec, ISO 100, and 270 mm.

 Piano Keys:

This photo was taken in the evening, possibly more night time.  Technical settings:  f/25, 6 sec, ISO 100, and 300 mm.

Whitewashed Log:

This photo was taken at the beach.  The time was just before the onset of a storm.  Technical settings:  f/5.6, 1/400 sec, ISO 100, and 18mm.

Golden Grass:

This photo was taken in the late evening, as seen with the gold-like lighting.  Technical settings: f/6.3, 1/40 sec, ISO 400, and 300mm.

Translucent Leaf:

This photo of this leaf was photographed around evening.  It was taken with an f/stop of 6.3, a shutter speed of 640 of a second, an ISO of 400, and at 225 mm.  No editing was applied